The Coffeesmith Project - Mod Blend 1.5 - Barista Plus Rebrewed

This is the Proxy GUID version of Barista Plus.

This mod allows for custom espresso bars to spawn their own Baristas in unowned community lots

For specifics, the Mod looks at all objects for a specific GUID (the Fallback GUID located in the 0,0 position object) which for most of the espresso bars, that does not change at all, and it spawns the barista if the conditions are met, like I said, same deal as Barista Plus, except this one doesn’t look at only eleven GUIDs, or so, but to all instances of the same fallback GUID.

Now for a bit of a warning, like I said, this GUID is going to look at *All* objects, which means it might caused some lag, that didn’t happened when I tested it, but if you have a CC Heavy Game, feel free to tell me if it does.

Special Thanks to @itsdiamondeyesuniverse for getting me the information that helped me getting this thing started, @midgethetree for helping with the code, @crispsandkerosene and @miros1 (I hope I’m not missing anyone else) for asking if making that revision was a possibility, and Everyone at the PBK Discord for general support.
