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Mii Channel Theme Splash Screen Music Default

Splash Screen Music replacement with the Mii Channel Theme

There are two ways to install this:

1 - rename the splash file to “Splash” and copy it to your SOUND folder of your latest EP/SP. For Ultimate Collection users: Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun WIth Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Sound


2 - if using LOADING RANDOMIZER (or whoward69's "Custom Loading Screens and Music" Plugin for Sims2RPC) place all or desired files in custom_splash_music folder (or CustomLoadingMusic folder for the plugin)

Credits: knowledgeaspiration and falkii for their amazing Studio Ghibli loading screens and splash music, which I used as a base for this.

And special thanks to fireflowersims for the squirrel ;)
